November Happenings & Sleepless December Start

Bleary-eyed, I take a breath.  Even though I didn't have many singing performances booked for the latter portion of 2019, booking, emailing, creating, recording, planning, collaborating, and budget-making keeps going. 

What great things?

At the end of November, I was welcomed to a Texas film festival in Kilgore for the film "O Holy Knight."  This film is the latest film I have acted in, and I also worked on its music.  This was the last festival on the film's circuit, and next will be distribution.  As a bonus, the city lit up the oil derricks as part of their Christmas festival, welcoming the season, and it was like being in a Hallmark movie - a chilly Christmasy night with the warmth of home.


Yep!  I haven't had much chance to act since releasing my first album, but since my most of my music gigs are a couple of months away, I will be live in the Dallas area, acting, as there are many Christmas attractions in Dallas!  I have been making Dallas merry for days now, and I was so happy to actually get a little sleep this morning! there is more I am working on, too...this is just some, which my tired brain can remember at the moment.  Had a great Thanksgiving!  Too short!  But Santa called!  And very merryily we go!